Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Rice pudding

Real comfort food :-) This recipe gives a lovely nutmeggy caramelised skin on top (which you can always remove if you must...)

Makes: 4 servings
Takes: 5 minutes plus 2 hours cooking time


4 oz pudding rice
1 pint milk
1 3/4 oz caster sugar
1 oz butter
ground nutmeg

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160oC/150oC (fan oven)/Gas Mark 3 and grease a 2-pint pie dish.
  2. Put the rice, milk and sugar into the pie dish and stir well. Dot the top with butter and bake for 1 hour.
  3. Stir with a fork, sprinkle with nutmeg and return to the oven for a further hour.